Dr. Lambast P. Sketch, MD

De-Enrichment Surgeon


What Is Enrichment?

They would have us believe that Enrichment is the key to life. It's holy. It's necessary. Without it you are weak. Small. I am here to tell you otherwise.

Enrichment connects the Mind to the Grid. This much is true. What they don't tell you is that Enrichment is, by design, a means to enlist unwitting chattel.

Every Mind added to the Grid expands the Grid's computational capacity. Increased capacity is increased power. Who holds the power? Agnes. The Doll Army. The Office of Greater Control (OGC).

So what? you might ask. Being off-Grid means you lose access to The Technology and other Applications. What kind if life would that be? I can tell you: a life of absolute Freedom.

De-Enrichment = Freedom. Freedom = De-Enrichment

Trepanation 101

Trepanation is a simple means by which to become De-Enriched. To become Free. It's a simple procedure, done on an outpatient yet extremely painful basis. It's not unlike a dentist visit, the difference being the profound sense of freedom one feels upon leaving. Imagine having no idea what's going on!

DSatisfied Clients
Brain Warmth Complaints


  • Sans Anesthesia
  • Outpatient Visit
  • Loud Noises
  • Deep Pain
  • Freedom
  • $ 500

    per treatment
  • With Anesthesia
  • Outpatient Visit
  • Loud Noises
  • Tolerable Pain
  • Freedom
  • $ 20,000

    per treatment

Contact Me

Austin, TX

Phone: (512) 632-2708

Email: noah@noahmasterson.com

THE EGG, Debuting at FronteraFest 2025